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Thursday, August 12, 2010

How to Write an Article Review

How to Write an Article Review

Writing an article review essay, which is also sometimes referred to as an article critique, is a special type of writing that involves reading an article and then providing the reader with your personal take on its content. If you are writing an article review for a class, you will likely have specific guidelines that you are expected to adhere to. As such, you should make certain to follow the guidelines as provided by the instructor.

In general, article review essays should start with a heading that includes a citation of the sources that are being reviewed. The first paragraph, which is the introduction to the article review, should provide a summary of the article highlights. This summary should not provide every last detail about the article being reviewed. Rather, it should only discuss the most important details. If you find yourself carrying on or needing more than one paragraph to write your summary, you need to revisit the paragraph and find ways to trim down the length of your summary.

Following the brief summary of your article, you will then need to explain why the article is significant. Questions you should ask yourself when writing these paragraphs include:

• Does the article fill a void within the literature that already exists on the topic?
• Does the article contain any information that would be considered “breakthrough” information?
• Will the information contained within this article cause other people in the field to change their ideas about the subject matter or does it simply revisit information that is already known in the field?

In your final paragraphs, you will need to present your personal evaluation of the article. Some questions you should ask yourself in order to come up with your personal evaluation include whether or not the article is well written and clear. You should also consider whether or not any information was missing and if more research is needed on the topic.

If you are writing the article review for a class, the instructor may want you to connect the article to your real life experiences as well. For example, the instructor might want you to explain how the article can help you further your studies or be more successful in your career. Or, the instructor may want you to connect the content of the article to information that you have been studying in your course.

As you write your article review, keep in mind that you are doing more than just a book report. Rather than focus on telling what the article was about, your article review should reflect your personal opinions on the article as well as how it affects you or the field in which it was written.

After you have finished writing your article review, be sure to go back and re-read it a few days after it was written. This way, you will be able to look at it with a fresh set of eyes and you may notice errors that you had not previously noticed.

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