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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

ESQ: Pelbagai pandangan

Banyak pihak memberikan pelbagai reaksi terhadap isu ESQ. Terkini, pihak ESQ mengambil langkah-langkah tertentu bagi menyelesaikan kemelut yang melanda.

Apapun pandangan para ilmuan, mufti, menteri, agamawan dan sebagainya, saya tertarik dengan satu komen yang saya dapati di mailbox email saya. Komennya seperti berikut:

Re: MUI rebuffs Malaysian fatwa on ESQ
Salaam To All,

ESQ is bunk and is little more than a mimic of what is taking place in the West, especially America. They may as well be Evangelical Christians.

The Mufti is correct (May Allah reward him), it is innovation and deviant, in as much as it departs from tradition and sunnah, thus affects a further division of the ummah.

None of the effects are lasting, and one keeps their motivational q's up only if the MQ drill sargent remains with them by means of daily listening to DVDs and reading their literature instead of Al'Qur'an.

There is no guidance here that may be considered divine. People must be motivated genuinely by the spirit of Allah swt and the sunnah already gives us plenty of motivation.

The EQ movement is a replacement for true religion and a great money making operation. People who are drawn to it have lost their true connection to the Beloved.


dr omar

Omar Zaid, M.D.
Author, Editor, Physician,
Research Fellow, ISTAC, IIUM
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
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Komen yang saya warnakan dengan warna merah itu adalah isi utama bagi saya.
Marilah sama-sama kita renung dan muhasabah diri melalui isu ini dan isu-isu lain yang sentiasa berlegar dalam hidup kita.

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