Islamic Widget


Monday, January 11, 2010




Aku tinggalkan untuk kalian dua perkara. Kalian tidak akan sesat selama berpegangan dengannya, yaitu Kitabullah (Al Qur’an) dan sunnah Rasulullah Saw.

Kita selalu sebut sebagai orang Islam, Al Quran dan Sunnahlah ikutan dan pedoman kita tetapi dalam realiti adakah itu amalan kita?

Adakah benar kerana bible di Indonesia tu guna perkataan Allah sebagai Tuhan Pencipta Alam menyebabkan ramai yang masuk Kristian atau pun faktor faktor lain seperti kejahilan dan kemiskinan atau ibubapa tak kisah nak ajar anak anak mereka Akidah Islam kerana ibubapa pun x faham Islam dan x kisah?

Cuba tenguk buku buku Ugama anak anak kita di sekolah, cukupkah ilmu Akidah yang di ajar? Pastikah anak kita lepas Sekolah atau Universiti mantap Akidah mereka?

Cuba kita ingat balik camna kita belajar Islam di sekolah dulu?

Apa yg saya ingat saya belajar Islam bermula dengan mengenali ciri ciri Air, bab kebersihan dan Najis, kemudian belajar Solat dan ilmu Fekah lain. Kenapa nak tau itu semua kerana nak Solat kalo x solat akan batal. Kenapa belajar hukum Fekah kerana takut melakukan benda benda yag haram nanti mati akan masuk neraka.

Sepatutnya kita kenal belajar bab Akidah atau Tauhid, mengenal siapa itu Allah,ciri ciri dan sifat sifat Allah, cinta dan kasih sayangnya Allah . Apabila kita dah kenal siapa Allah dan tahu kehendaknya barulah kita belajar camna nak sembah dan berkidmat untuk Allah.

Contoh mudah, apabila kita mula masuk kerja apa yang kita lakukan? Adakah kita terus tanya apa kerja yg kita kena buat dan bagaimana melakukan kerja tersebut?

Setengah Syarikat akan adakan takimat atau suaikenal kita dulu siapa pemilik Syarikat tersebut, apa businessnya, apa Visi dan Misi mereka dan apa core values syarikat tersebut. Setelah tu baru masuk bab kerja dan apa yg patut kita lakukan.

Bergitu juga dengan Islam, kena kenal siapa Allah pemilik Alam semesta ( Allah- Tuhan untuk orang Islam sahaja kalo di Msia ???), Rukun Iman dan Rukun Islam.

Kita juga kena kembali cara Rusullullah tamankan Akidah Islam di kalangan para sahabat macam di Mekah dulu sebelum belajar bab Solat, Puasa dan amalan wajid yg lain sewaktu di Madinah.

Siapakah yg akan berjuang dan berjihad untuk Islam mereka yang mantap Akidahnya atau mereka yang kuat ibadahnya?

So pastikan diri kita, isteri/suami kita, anak anak dan masyarakat kita mantap akidahnya dan kenal siapa itu Allah, Tuhan Semesta Allam bukan Tuhan untuk orang Islam aje

21:22 (Malay) Sekiranya ada di langit dan di bumi tuhan-tuhan selain Allah, tentulah keduanya itu telah rusak binasa. Maka Maha Suci Allah yang mempunyai 'Arsy daripada apa yang mereka sifatkan.


It is a known fact that every language has one or more terms that are used in reference to God and sometimes to lesser deities. This is not the case with the Arabic term Allaah. Allaah is the personal name of the one true God. Nothing else can be called Allaah. The term has no plural or gender. This shows its uniqueness when compared with the word god which can be made plural, gods, or feminine, goddess. It is interesting to note that Allaah is the proper name of God in Aramaic, the language of Jesus and a sister language of Arabic.

To a Muslim, Allaah is the Almighty, Creator and Sustainer of the universe, Who is similar to nothing and nothing is comparable to Him. The prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was asked by his contemporaries about Allaah the Almighty; the answer came directly from God Himself in the form of a short chapter of the Qur’an, which is considered the essence of the unity or the motto of monotheism. This is chapter 112 which reads:

In the name of Allaah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.

Say (O Muhammad (peace be upon him)): “He is Allâh, (the) One. Allâh-us-Samad (The Self-Sufficient Master, Whom all creatures need, He neither eats nor drinks). He begets not, nor was He begotten; And there is none co-equal or comparable unto Him”. (Qur’an: Chapter # 114)

Some non-Muslims allege that God in Islam is a stern and cruel God. He is not loving and kind. Nothing can be farther from truth than this allegation. It is enough to know that, with the exception of one, each of the 114 chapters of the Qur’an begins with the verse: “In the name of Allaah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.” In one of the sayings of prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) we are told that “Allaah is more loving and kinder than a mother to her dear child.”

But Allaah is also Just. Hence evildoers and sinners must have their share of punishment and as for the virtuous, His bounties and favors. Actually, God’s attribute of Mercy has full manifestation in His attribute of Justice. People suffering throughout their lives for His sake and people oppressing and exploiting other people all their lives should not receive similar treatment from their Lord. Expecting similar treatment for them will amount to negating the very belief in the accountability of man in the Hereafter and thereby negating all the incentives for a moral and virtuous life in this world. The following Qur’anic verses are very clear and straightforward in this respect:

“Verily, for the righteous are gardens of delight, in the presence of their Lord. So shall We treat the Muslims (believers, righteous) like the criminals? (disbelivers, eveildoers) What is the matter with you? How do you judge?” (Qur’an 68:34-36)

Islam rejects characterizing God in any human form or depicting Him as favoring certain individuals or nations on the basis of wealth, power or race. He created the human beings as equals. They may distinguish themselves and get His favor through virtue and piety only.

The concepts that God rested on the seventh day of creation, that God wrestled with one of His soldiers, that God is an envious plotter against mankind, or that God is incarnate in any human being are considered blasphemy from the Islamic point of view.

The unique usage of the term Allaah as a personal name of God is a reflection of Islam’s emphasis on the purity of the belief in God which is the essence of the message of all God’s messengers. Because of this, Islam considers associating any deity or personality with God as a deadly sin which God will never forgive, despite the fact He may forgive all other sins.

Note that what is meant above applies ONLY to those people who die in a state wherein they are associating others with God. The repentance of those who yet live is acceptable to God if He wills.

The Creator must be of a different nature from the things created because if He is of the same nature as they are, He will be temporal and will therefore need a maker. It follows that nothing is like Him. If the maker is not temporal, then He must be eternal. But if He is eternal, He cannot be caused, and if nothing outside Him causes Him to continue to exist, which means that He must be self-sufficient. And if He does not depend on anything for the continuance of His own existence, then this existence can have no end. The Creator is therefore eternal and everlasting: “He is the First and the Last.”

He is Self-Sufficient or Self-Subsistent or, to use a Qur’anic term, Al-Qayyuum. The Creator does not create only in the sense of bringing things into being, He also preserves them and takes them out of existence and is the ultimate cause of whatever happens to them.

“Allaah is the Creator of everything. He is the guardian over everything. Unto Him belong the keys of the heavens and the earth.” (Qur’an 39:62-63)

“And there isn’t a creature that crawls on earth, except that upon Allaah is its provision. He knows its place of dwelling and place of storage. All is in a clear register.” (Qur’an 11:6)


If the Creator is Eternal and Everlasting, then His attributes must also be eternal and everlasting. If this is so, then His attributes are absolute. Can there be more than one Creator with such absolute attributes? Can there be for example, two absolutely powerful Creators? A moment’s thought shows that this is not feasible.

The Qur’an summarizes this argument in the following verses: “No son (or offspring or children) did Allâh beget, nor is there any ilâh (god) along with Him; (if there had been many gods), behold, each god would have taken away what he had created, and some would have tried to overcome others! Glorified be Allâh above all that they attribute to Him!”
(Qur’an 23:91)

“Had there been therein (in the heavens and the earth) gods besides Allâh, then verily both would have been ruined. Glorified be Allâh, the Lord of the Throne, (High is He) above what they attribute to Him!”
(Qur’an 21:22)


The Qur’an reminds us of the falsity of all alleged gods. To the worshippers of man-made objects, it asks: “Do you worship what you have carved yourself?” (Qur’an 37:95)

Say (O Muhammad SAW): “Who is the Lord of the heavens and the earth?” Say: “(It is) Allâh.” Say: “Have you then taken (for worship) Auliyâ’ (protectors, etc.) other than Him, such as have no power either for benefit or for harm to themselves?” Say: “Is the blind equal to the one who sees? Or darkness equal to light? Or do they assign to Allâh partners who created the like of His creation, so that the creation (which they made and His creation) seemed alike to them.” Say: “Allâh is the Creator of all things, He is the One, the Irresistible.” (Qur’an 13:16)


In order to be a Muslim, i.e., to surrender oneself to Allaah, it is necessary to believe in the oneness of Allaah, in the sense of Him being the only Creator, Preserver, Nourisher, etc. But this belief - later on called “Tawheed Ar-Rububiyyah” - is not enough. Many of the idolaters knew and believed that only the Supreme God could do all this, but that was not enough to make them Muslims. To tawheed ar-rububiyyah one must add tawheed al’uluhiyyah,
i.e., one acknowledges the fact that Allaah alone deserves to be worshipped, and thus abstains from worshipping any other deity or thing or being.

Having achieved this knowledge of the one true God, man should constantly have faith in Him, and should allow nothing to induce him to deny the truth.

When correct faith enters a person’s heart, it causes certain mental states which result in certain actions. Taken together, these mental states and actions are the proof for the true faith. Foremost among those mental states is the feeling of gratitude towards Allaah which could be said to be the essence of
‘ebadah’ (worship).

The feeling of gratitude is so important that a
non-believer is called ‘kafir’ which means ‘one who denies a truth’ and also ‘one who is ungrateful.’

A believer loves, and is grateful to Allaah for the bounties He bestows upon him, but being aware of the fact that his good deeds, whether mental or physical, are far from being proportional to divine favors, he is always anxious lest Allaah should punish him, here or in the Hereafter. He, therefore, fears Him, surrenders himself to Him and serves Him with great humility. One cannot be in such a mental state without being almost all the time mindful of Allaah. Remembering Allaah is thus the life force of faith, without which it fades and withers away.

The Qur’an promotes this feeling of gratitude by repeating the attributes of Allaah (God) very frequently. We find most of these attributes mentioned together in the following verses of the Qur’an:

“He is Allâh, than Whom there is Lâ ilâha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He) the
All-Knower of the unseen and the seen. He is the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful. He is Allâh than Whom there is Lâ ilâha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He) the King, the Holy, the One Free from all defects, the Giver of security, the Watcher over His creatures, the All-Mighty, the Compeller, the Supreme. Glory be to Allâh! (High is He) above all that they associate as partners with Him. He is Allâh, the Creator, the Inventor of all things, the Bestower of forms. To Him belong the Best Names. All that is in the heavens and the earth glorify Him. And He is the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.
(Qur’an 59:22-24)

“Allâh! Lâ ilâha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He), the Ever Living, the One Who sustains and protects all that exists. Neither slumber, nor sleep overtake Him. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on earth. Who is he that can intercede with Him except with His Permission? He knows what happens to them (His creatures) in this world, and what will happen to them in the Hereafter. And they will never compass anything of His Knowledge except that which He wills. His Kursî extends over the heavens and the earth, and He feels no fatigue in guarding and preserving them. And He is the Most High, the Most Great. [This Verse is called
(Qur’an 2:255)

“O people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians)! Do not exceed the limits in your religion, nor say of Allâh aught but the truth. The Messiah ‘Iesa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary), was (no more than) a Messenger of Allâh and His Word, (“Be!” - and he was) which He bestowed on Maryam (Mary) and a spirit (Rûh) created by Him; so believe in Allâh and His Messengers. Say not: “Three (trinity)!” Cease! (it is) better for you. For Allâh is (the only) One Ilâh (God), Glory be to Him (Far Exalted is He) above having a son. To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth. And Allâh is All Sufficient as a Disposer of affairs.” (Qur’an 4:171)

Can we called the God in the bible as Allah?

We will be very unfair to ourselves and others if we make a conclusion without checking what written in the Al Quran and what written in the bible.

Can we called Apple for Orange ?
Can we called Nissan for Toyota?

Let us compare the characteristic or attributes of Almighty God in the Quran vs the characteristic God in the bible.

Almighty God in the Quran
2:255 (Y. Ali) Allah. There is no god but He,-the Living, the Self-subsisting, Eternal. No slumber can seize Him nor sleep. His are all things in the heavens and on earth. Who is there can intercede in His presence except as He permitteth? He knoweth what (appeareth to His creatures as) before or after or behind them. Nor shall they compass aught of His knowledge except as He willeth. His Throne doth extend over the heavens and the earth, and He feeleth no fatigue in guarding and preserving them for He is the Most High, the Supreme (in glory).

YUSUFALI: (he is) the creator of the heavens and the earth: he has made for you pairs from among yourselves, and pairs among cattle: by this means does he multiply you: there is nothing whatever like unto him, and he is the one that hears and sees (all things).Surah 42:11

Let us study the God in the bible

God had finished the work by the seventh day, so on the seventh day he rested

Genesis 2:2

By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work.

The seventh day is holy because on it God rested from all the work

Genesis 2:3

And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.

The Lord rested on the seventh day and blessed it and made it holy.

Exodus 20:11

For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.

The Lord abstained from work and rested.

Exodus 31:17

It will be a sign between me and the Israelites forever, for in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day he abstained from work and rested.'

the Lord our God rest upon us

Psalm 90:17

May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us; establish the work of our hands for us- yes, establish the work of our hands.

On the seventh day God rested from all his work

Hebrews 4:4

And yet his work has been finished since the creation of the world. For somewhere he has spoken about the seventh day in these words: "And on the seventh day God rested from all his work."

OOOp God in the bible rest on the seventh day???

Allah never ever rest.

Surah 50:38

SHAKIR: and certainly We Created the heavens and the earth and what is between them in six periods and there touched us not any fatigue

PICKTHAL: and verily We Created the heavens and the earth, and all that is between them, in six days, and naught of weariness touched Us.

YUSUFALI: We Created the heavens and the earth and all between them in six days, nor did any sense of weariness touch Us.

Do Almighty God the Greator has Son or Sons?

New American Standard Bible (©1995)

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son (dead son), that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.

Al Quran

112:1 (Y. Ali) Say: He is Allah, the One and Only;
112:2 (Y. Ali) Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;
112:3 (Y. Ali) He begetteth not, nor is He begotten;
112:4 (Y. Ali) And there is none like unto Him.

So can we conclude that Almighty God the Creator or Allah is not there same with the one in the bible because they have difference characteristics and attributes.

Do you want to serve and pray to God who rest, sleep, fight and has dead son names Jesus ?

So please don't misuse the name of Almighty God the Creator or Allah why

Exodus 20:1-16.

And God spoke all these words, saying: "I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.

You shall have no other gods before me.
You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.

66:6 (Y. Ali) O ye who believe! save yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is Men and Stones, over which are (appointed) angels stern (and) severe, who flinch not (from executing) the Commands they receive from Allah, but do (precisely) what they are commanded.
66:7 (Y. Ali) (They will say), "O ye Unbelievers! Make no excuses this Day! Ye are being but requited for all that ye did!"
66:8 (Y. Ali) O ye who believe! Turn to Allah with sincere repentance: In the hope that your Lord will remove from you your ills and admit you to Gardens beneath which Rivers flow,- the Day that Allah will not permit to be humiliated the Prophet and those who believe with him. Their Light will run forward before them and by their right hands, while they say, "Our Lord! Perfect our Light for us, and grant us Forgiveness: for Thou hast power over all things."

Subject: Bahaya mazhab Kristian yg 'mirip' Islam

Bahaya mazhab Kristian yg 'mirip' Islam - gambar BAHAYA BETUL..

Bahaya mazhab Kristian yg 'mirip' Islam - gambar
Sebuah sektsa dalam agama Kristian, cara peribadatannya hampir sama
dengan Islam. Sukar membezakan kristian gaya baru?
Saat Maghrib telah tiba. Belasan orang di Hotel Sahid Surabaya
itu bergegas sholat. Semuanya berkopiah dan dipimpin
seorang imam. Jangan keliru,mereka bukan kaum Muslimin yang sedang
menunaikan kewajiban sholat Mahgrib. Mereka adalah jamaah Kristian Ortodok
kristian ortodok, sebuah sektsa dalam agama Kristian. Boleh jadi,
orang awam akan terkeliru sebab , sektsa ini memang sangat mirip Islam.Bukan saja
asalnya serumpun,Timur Tengah, tapi juga ritual dan tatacara
peribadatannya nyaris sama.Tengoklah saat mereka sholat..
Selain berkopiah dan dipimpin seorang imam,bila
berjamaah,juga memakai bahasa Arab. Rukun sholatnya pun hampir sama. Ada ruku'
dan sujud.. Bezanya,bila kaum Muslimin diwajibkan sholat 5 kali
sehari,penganut Kristian ortodok lebih banyak lagi, 7 kali sehari setiap 3 jam;
masing-masing dua rakaat. Mereka menyebutnya:sa'atul
awwal (fajar/shubuh), sa'atuts tsalis(dhuha), sa'atus sadis (dhuhur),
sa'atut tis'ah (ashar), sa'atul ghurub (maghrib), sa'atun naum (Isya'),
dan sa'atul layl (tengah malam).
Hal yang sama juga pada amalan puasa. Puasa wajib bagi orang
Islam dilakukan selama sebulan dalam setahun, dikenal dengan
shaumu ramadhan. Sedang pada Kristian ortodok disebut shaumil
kabir (puasa 40hari berturut-turut) yang dilakukan sekitar bulan April. Jika dalam
Islam ada puasa sunah Isnin - Kamis, pada kristian ortodok dilakukan pada
Rabu dan Juma'at, dalam rangka mengenang kesengsaraan Kristus.
Selain sholat dan puasa, jamaah Kristian ortodok juga
mengenal zakat. Zakat, dalam ajaran Kristian ortodok, adalah satu
persepuluh dari pendapatan
Gambar2 ajaran kristian ortodok yg mungkin anda keliru.... jadi
berhati2laaaa kita tentang ajaran kristian ortodok... hebah kan laaa pada kawan2
kiter...Yang pasti........... ini bukan ayat al-Quran.....
Semoga kita semua berhati2..... jangan sampai terbeli......dan digantung
di rumah kita.Sebarkanlah supaya semua teman2 kita maklum.

Tolong Baca.Jangan biarkan kita di perbodohkan oleh org2 KAFIR...............
Perhatian Kalu ternampak penghujungnya ditulis Surah Injilu Matay terus reject

Assalammualaikum Al Muslimin dan sahabat-sahabat semua....
Sila baca dan edarkan kepada sesiapa yang tiada di dalam e-mail
ini...Jangan jadikan ia sebagai e-mail berantai anggaplah satu
yang penting kerana kita telah mengetahui akan pekara ini...
Itulah agenda Kristian, maka berhati-hatilah..... Jangan terpedaya
pada rupanya sahaja tetapi tengok dan selidikilah isinya juga...
tengok keseluruhan. Memang ianya nampak cantik sekiranya dibuat
untuk menghiasi dinding rumah, Hhmm.... sekali pandang macam ayat/kalimah
Al-Quran.......sebenar ayat Bible


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